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An Annotated Database of Druggable Binding Sites from the Protein DataBank

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Distribution of Cavity similarities measured by Shaper
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Cavities are compared using Shaper.
For more information, please see the following publication: Desaphy J. et al. Comparison and Druggability Prediction of protein-Ligand Binding sites from pharmacophore-annotated cavity shapes J. Chem. Inf. Model., 2012, 52(8), pp2287-2299

Reference Protein Data Bank Entry :
PDB ID HET Uniprot Name EC Number
2vdgNDPAldose reductase1.1.1.21

Complex with similar cavities

PDB ID HET Uniprot Name EC Number Cavity
2vdgNDPAldose reductase1.
4xzmNAPAldo-keto reductase family 1 member B101.1.10.534
4pmjNAPPutative oxidoreductase/0.532
1x96NAPAldose reductase1.
3v36NAPAldose reductase1.
2j8tNAPAldose reductase1.
1ah4NAPAldose reductase1.
3h7rNAPAldo-keto reductase family 4 member C8/0.512
3uzwNAP3-oxo-5-beta-steroid 4-dehydrogenase/0.510
4xznNAPAldo-keto reductase family 1 member B101.1.10.510
4g5dNDPProstaglandin F synthase1.1.1.1880.501
5c7hNDPPutative oxidoreductase/0.498
1x98NAPAldose reductase1.
3buvNAP3-oxo-5-beta-steroid 4-dehydrogenase/0.496
2acqNAPAldose reductase1.
2hdjNDPAldo-keto reductase family 1 member C2/0.492
3g1rNAP3-oxo-5-beta-steroid 4-dehydrogenase/0.491
3h7uNAPNADPH-dependent aldo-keto reductase, chloroplastic/0.490
3q65NAPAldose reductase1.
4h8nNDPNADPH-dependent conjugated polyketone reductase C2/0.488
4xo7NAPAldo-keto reductase family 1 member C2/0.486
3caqNDP3-oxo-5-beta-steroid 4-dehydrogenase/0.485
2pfhNDPAldose reductase1.
1ef3NAPAldose reductase1.
1z8aNAPAldose reductase1.
3wbwNDPPutative 2,5-diketo-D-gluconic acid reductase/0.482
2pevNDPAldose reductase1.
2hejNDPAldo-keto reductase family 1 member C211.1.10.478
4jtqNAPAldo-keto reductase family 1 member C2/0.472
1adsNAPAldose reductase1.
1c9wNAPAldose reductase-related protein 2/0.471
1r38NAPNAD(P)H-dependent D-xylose reductase1.1.1.3070.469
2iq0NAPAldose reductase1.
4jq3NAPAldo-keto reductase family 1 member C2/0.464
1vp5NAPOxidoreductase, aldo/keto reductase family/0.461
1q5mNDPProstaglandin-E(2) 9-reductase1.1.1.1890.455
2pf8NDPAldose reductase1.
2ix5FADAcyl-coenzyme A oxidase 4, peroxisomal1.
3o3rNAPAldose reductase-related protein
1s1pNAPAldo-keto reductase family 1 member C3/0.440