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An Annotated Database of Druggable Binding Sites from the Protein DataBank

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Distribution of Binding site similarity measured by Shaper
You can zoom onto the graph by using the mouse to make a selection

Binding Sites are compared using Shaper.
For more information, please see the following publication: Desaphy J. et al. Comparison and Druggability Prediction of protein-Ligand Binding sites from pharmacophore-annotated cavity shapes J. Chem. Inf. Model., 2012, 52(8), pp2287-2299
Binding Sites are considered as similar when the similarity value is greater than 0.44

Reference Protein Data Bank Entry :
PDB IDHETUniprot NameEC Number
2cl6CAGGTPase HRas

Complex with similar binding sites

PDB ID HET Uniprot Name EC Number Binding Site
2cl6CAGGTPase HRas/1.000
1mh1GNPRas-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1/0.545
1uadGNPRas-related protein Ral-A/0.533
3tgpGNPGTPase HRas/0.526
4xvrGNPGTPase HRas/0.514
4nyiGNPGTPase HRas/0.512
3tsoGNPRas-related protein Rab-25/0.508
4dsuGDPGTPase KRas/0.508
2rggGNPGTPase HRas/0.501
3v4fGNPGTPase HRas/0.500
4xvqGNPGTPase HRas/0.500
1lfdGNPGTPase HRas/0.496
3qbtGNPRas-related protein Rab-8A/0.491
4lpkGDPGTPase KRas/0.490
2fe4GDPRas-related protein Rab-6B/0.489
5c46GSPRas-related protein Rab-11A/0.484
1kmqGNPTransforming protein RhoA/0.483
1zc4GNPRas-related protein Ral-A/0.477
3lbnGNPGTPase HRas/0.476
3oesGNPGTPase RhebL1/0.475
2ic5GDPRas-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 3/0.472
4l9sGDPGTPase HRas/0.472
1zc3GNPRas-related protein Ral-A/0.471
1xtsGTPGTP-binding protein Rheb/0.470
3oivGNPGTPase HRas/0.464
5hpyGDPTransforming protein RhoA/0.464
3ddcGNPGTPase HRas/0.463
1oixGDPRas-related protein Rab-11A/0.462
1zbdGTPRas-related protein Rab-3A/0.461
4nyjGNPGTPase HRas/0.461
1g17GNPRas-related protein SEC4/0.460
3rs5GNPGTPase HRas/0.456
4qxaGTPRas-related protein Rab-9A/0.455
1cxzGSPTransforming protein RhoA/0.454
2w2xGSPRas-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 2/0.454
4hdqGNPRas-related protein Rap-1b/0.454
4uj5GNPRas-related protein Rab-11A/0.454
4lv6GDPGTPase KRas/0.453
4uj3GNPRas-related protein Rab-11A/0.453
4lucGDPGTPase KRas/0.452
2g0nGDPRas-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 3/0.451
3i3sGNPGTPase HRas/0.451
4kvgGTPRas-related protein Rap-1A/0.450
3oiuGNPGTPase HRas/0.449
4k81GTPGTPase HRas/0.448
5dhaGNPGTP-binding nuclear protein Ran/0.448
2p2lGDPRas-related C3 botulinum toxin substrate 1/0.447
4dltGNPGTPase HRas/0.447
1yzqGNPRas-related protein Rab-6A/0.445
3kkqGDPRas-related protein M-Ras/0.445
4lrwGDPGTPase KRas/0.445
1x1rGDPRas-related protein M-Ras/0.444
3k9lGNPGTPase HRas/0.444
4l8gGDPGTPase KRas/0.443
4obeGDPGTPase KRas/0.443
4q03GDPGTPase KRas/0.442
4tq9GDPGTPase KRas/0.442
4epwGDPGTPase KRas/0.441
1xtrGNPGTP-binding protein Rheb/0.440
5b2zGNPGTPase HRas/0.440