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An Annotated Database of Druggable Binding Sites from the Protein DataBank

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Distribution of Interaction pattern similarity measured by Grim
You can zoom onto the graph by using the mouse to make a selection

Binding Modes are compared using Grim.
For more information, please see the following publication: Desaphy J. et al. Encoding Protein-Ligand Interaction Patterns in Fingerprints and Graphs J. Chem. Inf. Model., 2013, 53 (3), pp 623-637
Binding modes are considered as similar when the similarity value is greater than 0.65

Reference Protein Data Bank Entry :
PDB ID HET Uniprot Name EC Number
1gir NDP Iota toxin component Ia

Complex with similar interaction patterns:

PDB ID HET Uniprot Name EC Number Binding Mode
1gir NDPIota toxin component Ia / 1.003
1giq NAIIota toxin component Ia / 0.803
2wn6 NDPADP-ribosyltransferase enzymatic component / 0.771
4h03 NADIota toxin component Ia / 0.744
4h0v NADIota toxin component Ia / 0.695
4h0y NADIota toxin component Ia / 0.682
3buz TADIota toxin component Ia / 0.668
3frd DHFDihydrofolate reductase 0.666
1odn APVIsopenicillin N synthase 0.656
1jkx 138Phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase / 0.655
2vbp VB1Isopenicillin N synthase 0.655
4ej1 FOLDihydrofolate reductase 0.655
1lbb KAIGlutamate receptor 2 / 0.654
3td8 D2RDihydrofolate reductase 0.654
4fjh DGTDNA-directed DNA polymerase / 0.652
4bqy FNTEgl nine homolog 1 / 0.651